Pasta Saus Alfredo. This creamy alfredo sauce turns a busy weeknight dinner into something special. Serve it with fettuccine or pour it over chicken breasts or steamed vegetables. This is how you make fettuccine Alfredo like the Romans.
This inexpensive meal is easy to make and perfect for a weeknight dinner when you just want some.
Learn how to make alfredo pasta sauce with Chef Mark from
Easy Pasta Alfredo - Creamy, comforting, absolutely delicious, and super easy.
Kamu bisa memasak Pasta Saus Alfredo using 14 bahan dan 5 Langkah. Inilah caranya Anda memasak bahwa.
Bahan dari Pasta Saus Alfredo
- You need 150 gram of jamur kancing (boleh diganti ayam filet), potong dadu.
- You need 150 gram of pasta bentuk apa saja.
- Prepare 1,5 gelas of susu cair.
- Prepare 50 gram of keju parmesan parut.
- It's 2 sdm of terigu.
- You need 2 siung of bawang putih, cincang halus /1 sdt bawang putih bubuk.
- You need 1/2 sdt of + 1/2sdt oregano bubuk.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of + 1/2 sdt basil bubuk.
- It's 1/2 sdt of thyme bubuk (opsional).
- Prepare secukupnya of Merica.
- Prepare secukupnya of Garam.
- It's of Butter untuk menumis (boleh pakai minyak goreng).
- You need of Keju pamesan/cheddar parut untuk taburan (opsional).
- It's of Seledri, cincang halus untuk taburan.
This is the best and most simple recipe for Alfredo sauce that you will find! This is one of my absolute favorite sauces to. As for the pasta sauce --. Turn stove on to medium heat and add oil in a medium-sized pot.
Pasta Saus Alfredo instruksi
- Pasta direbus sampai al dente sesuai petunjuk pada kemasan, tiriskan, masukkan ke dalam mangkuk dan sisihkan.
- Lelehkan 2 sdm butter, masukkan jamur, tambahkan garam, merica, 1/2 sdt oregano dan 1/2 sdt basil, masak sampai matang. Sisihkan.
- Lelehkan 2 sdm butter, masukkan bawang putih, tambahkan garam, merica, 1/2 sdt oregano, 1/2 sdt basil, thyme, terigu, keju, susu dan aduk sampai terigu larut dan homogen, masak sampai mendidih dan mengental. Koreksi rasa. Sisihkan..
- Tuangkan tumisan jamur dan saus ke dalam mangkuk pasta, aduk rata. Taburkan parutan keju dan seledri cincang, aduk rata. Hidangkan pasta menjadi 2 porsi..
- Pasta Saus Alfredo siap disantap. Biakhoin! 🍽.
Once the garlic is light brown, pour Ragu spaghetti sauce and Classico alfredo sauce into the pot. This Easy Alfredo Sauce is your new go-to creamy, cheesy and buttery pasta sauce when you're in a hurry! This sauce right here is comfort food at its finest. When I'm making it, it's all I can do not to. With just two ingredients, you can whip up this pasta dish anytime.