Chicken gordon bleu with mushroom sauce. For the Chicken Cordon Blue: Remove skin from chicken. A delicious French classic, this chicken cordon bleu is made by rolling chicken with Capicolla ham and Swiss cheese. I served it with Risotto, Asparagus, and a Cream Mushroom Sauce.
Add wine and bouillon, stirring to loosen browned bits from pan.
A delicious French classic, chicken cordon bleu is made of chicken breasts stuffed with ham and Swiss cheese.
Reviews for: Photos of Chicken Cordon Bleu I.
Kamu bisa memasak Chicken gordon bleu with mushroom sauce using 13 bahan dan 8 Langkah. Inilah caranya Anda mencapai Itu.
Bahan dari Chicken gordon bleu with mushroom sauce
- You need 2 potong of dada ayam fillet.
- You need 50 gr of daging ayam giling.
- It's of Daging ham.
- Prepare of Kentang.
- You need of Susu.
- Prepare 2 pcs of Telur.
- Prepare 1/2 of Bawang bombay.
- It's 3 siung of Bawang putih.
- You need of Melted cheese.
- Prepare of Jamur champignon putih.
- You need of Krim masak.
- It's of Mentega emas elle & vire.
- You need of Tepung roti (mamasuka).
While the chicken is cooking spray a hot frying pan with oil and place the mushrooms and onions in the pan and sauté until they start to caramelize. Slice on a bias cut, place on serving plate and spoon mushroom gravy over chicken. Chicken breast halves, boneless, skinless, salt, white pepper, eggs, milk, ham, swiss cheese, all-purpose flour, bread crumbs, vegetable oil, cream of mushroom soup, sour cream, mushrooms, sherry. Pour over cooked chicken and bake until sauce bubbles.
Chicken gordon bleu with mushroom sauce selangkah demi selangkah
- Potong melted cheese memanjang agar bisa digulung ke dalam daging ham..
- Apit daging ham yang sudah diisi keju dengan daging ayam fillet di bagian atas dan bawahnya..
- Bagian samping tutup dengan ayam giling. Tepuk2 daging ayam dengan garam dan merica..
- Kocok telur hingga rata.Masukkan ayam ke dalam telur. Balurkan hingga rata. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam tepung roti hingga semua tertutup rapi. Anda sudah mendapatkan cgb yang anda inginkan!.
- Masukkan cgb ke dalam minyak. Goreng dengan teknik deep fry hingga kuning keemasan. Agkat..
- Mashed potato. Lelehkan mentega dengan api kecil. Masukkan adonan kentang, tambahkan dengan susu hingga agak lembek. Beri garam dan merica secukupnya..
- Untuk mushroom sauce. Cincang halus jamur, bawang putih & bombay (bisa dengan blender). Tumis. Tambahkan susu, tambahkan krim masak hingga mengental. Beri garam, gula merica dan penyedap sesuai selera..
- Sajikan 💖.
I usually serve this over egg noodles. Cordon bleu chicken and this mushroom sauce are a classic, known throughout the world, and is a simple way to prepare chicken that will still impress your family. It's much easier to make that it seems. The first thing you ought to know is that it is cordon. My EASY Chicken Cordon Bleu recipe.