Chicken Fillet with Salted Egg Sauce. The Best Chicken Fillet Recipes on Yummly Yuk kita liat dan rasakan citra aroma dari Chicken Fillet with Salt Egg Sauce buatan Chef Athaya. Directions: Cut chicken fillets into chunks.
Add in evaporated milk, water and bring to simmer.
Whisk in sugar, Knorr golden salted egg powder and Knorr Chicken Seasoning Powder.
Inspired by liu sha bao, this salted egg lava fried chicken comes filled with rich and creamy salted egg butter.
Kamu bisa memiliki Chicken Fillet with Salted Egg Sauce using 12 bahan dan 6 Langkah. Inilah caranya Anda mencapai Itu.
Bahan dari Chicken Fillet with Salted Egg Sauce
- Prepare 200 gr of dada ayam/paha fillet.
- Prepare Secukupnya of garam.
- You need Secukupnya of lada.
- It's 4 butir of kuning telur asin.
- It's 3 lembar of daun kari.
- You need of Mentega cair.
- Prepare 200 ml of susu cair.
- It's 500 gr of tepung maizena.
- You need 3 butir of telur kocok.
- Prepare of Minyak goreng.
- You need of Note : bisa langsung menggunakan tepung ayam crispy sasa/lainnya.
- You need of Note : jika pakai tepung ayam tidak perlu tepung maizena.
Basing the recipe on chicken kiev, a popular Eastern European dish where herbed butter is wrapped inside a fried chicken fillet, we switched things up a notch by adding. INGREDIENTS: chicken breast fillet, carrot, celery leaves, salt and pepper, garlic glove, garlic INGREDIENTS: Piece of chicken fillet, Chicken broth bro, Soya sauce, Madras curry powder Flavorful way to eat turkey or chicken breast fillets with a side of mixed greens all endorsed by a. Use this salted egg sauce on crab, prawns, calamari, and chicken! Make seafood even more indulgent by tossing crabs in a flavor-packed salted egg sauce.
Chicken Fillet with Salted Egg Sauce selangkah demi selangkah
- Campurkan lada dan garam dengan potongan daging ayam. Jika menggunakan tepung ayam crispy, maka ayam tidak perlu diberi garam dan lada lagi. Khawatir terlalu asin.
- Gulingkan potongan ayam tadi ke tepung maizena, lalu gulingkan di telur kocok, lalu kembali ke tepung maizena. Goreng hingga warnanya agak pucat atau kecoklatan.
- Untuk saus telur asin, haluskan kuning telur asin dengan 2 sendok makan susu cair atau sekitar 50ml.
- Panaskan sedikit minyak goreng untuk menumis telur asin tadi. Aduk sebentar lalu masukkan sisa susu cair.
- Masukkan ayam yang tadi sudah di goreng lalu masukkan daun kari yang sudah diiris tipis..
- Tambahkan garam dan lada. Koreksi rasa dan masak hingga mendidih.
You can also use this sauce for fried prawns, calamari, and chicken cutlets. Fried prawns coated with salted egg yolk is another Chinese New Year favourite. Fried Fish Fillet with Special Beanpaste Sauce. Rub the prawns with salt and sugar. For the sauce, place all the sauce ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.