Roasted Chicken Breast with Rainbow Salad. Chicken breasts are marinated with ground ginger, coriander, and sesame oil, then roasted and shredded before being added to this colorful Asian-inspired cabbage salad. This salad is packed with raw vegetable power that will bring on the healthy glow, inside and out. Whenever I eat this salad I feel like I should be getting two "Rainbow power!" I think we should start a club with that name.
Enjoy with rice, pasta, or a salad.
Looking for a delicious tangy dinner?
Then check out this great chicken breast dish served with salad greens or pasta.
Kamu bisa memasak Roasted Chicken Breast with Rainbow Salad using 15 bahan dan 3 Langkah. Inilah caranya Anda memasak bahwa.
Bahan dari Roasted Chicken Breast with Rainbow Salad
- You need 350 gr of dada ayam tanpa kulit.
- You need 2 siung of bawang putih.
- It's 2 sdm of margarin.
- It's Secukupnya of lada hitam dan garam.
- You need of Bahan Salad.
- It's 1 bonggol of letuce.
- You need 1 bonggol of kol merah.
- Prepare 10 buah of tomat cherry.
- You need 1 bonggol of jagung rebus (sisir).
- It's 2 buah of kentang rebus (potong dadu).
- You need of Dressing.
- It's 25 ml of olive oil extra virgin.
- You need 3 sdm of madu.
- It's 3 sdm of air jeruk lemon.
- You need Secukupnya of lada hitam dan garam.
Place chicken breasts in a single layer on top of roasted vegetables. This oven roasted chicken breast is crispy-skinned, tender and juicy on the inside, and very flavorful. It's very easy to make and hard to mess up. Unlike my slow baked chicken breast which does not need brining, this roasted chicken breast definitely benefits from soaking in brine for a few hours. Отмена. Месяц бесплатно.
Roasted Chicken Breast with Rainbow Salad selangkah demi selangkah
- Panaskan teflon, masukan margarin, bawang putih dan dada ayam yg sudah di marinasi dengan lada hitam dan garam, tunggu hingga matang jangan lupa dibalik agar tidak gosong.
- Cuci bersih letuce, kol merah dan tomat cherry, potong sesuai selera lalu masukan kedalam wadah bersama kentang rebus yg sudah di potong dadu dan jagung rebus yg sudah di sisir.
- Tambahkan Dressing nya olive oil, madu, air lemon, garam dan lada hitam aduk hingga tercampur rata, koreksi rasa, setelah salad nya sudah pas rasanya, siap dihidangkan bersama dada ayam panggang 🥗🥗.
Roasted Chicken Breast with Beetroot Salad. Jump to the Easy Pan Roasted Chicken Breasts with Thyme Recipe or read on to see our tips for making it. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: This is our favorite homemade Easy Caesar Salad Recipe with Homemade Dressing. Learn how to make egg-free caesar salad dressing for the best salad at home. Season chicken with salt and pepper.