Spicy BBQ Chicken with Cheesy Sauce (oven). In a bowl, add the bbq sauce and garlic powder and stir to combine, add the chicken breasts and stir so the chicken is evenly covered in the sauce. I made some oven baked BBQ chicken thighs using the new OLD BAY HOT SAUCE. The chicken turned out tender, juicy, spicy and good.
I like to pair this with mashed potatoes and drizzle a bit of the chicken sauce onto the potatoes.
Also amazing with any seasoned rice..
It didn't have a spicy kick but still amazing.
Kamu bisa memasak Spicy BBQ Chicken with Cheesy Sauce (oven) using 19 bahan dan 7 Langkah. Inilah caranya Anda mencapai Itu.
Bahan dari Spicy BBQ Chicken with Cheesy Sauce (oven)
- It's 1/2 kg of ayam segar / sayap ayam (cuci bersih dengan perasan jeruk nipis dan garam, tiriskan).
- It's of Bahan Marinasi.
- You need 1 sdm of kaldu ayam/ jamur bubuk.
- It's 1 sdt of lada hitam.
- You need Sedikit of kecap asin.
- It's of Bahan Krispi Ayam.
- It's 350 ml of susu cair full cream.
- It's 150 gr of tepung bumbu.
- It's of Bahan Saos BBQ.
- You need 4 sdm of saos sambal.
- It's 2 sdm of saos tomat.
- You need 4 sdm of saos bbq.
- You need 1 sdm of saos tiram.
- It's 2 sdm of kecap manis.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of minyak wijen.
- You need 1 sdm of cabe bubuk.
- Prepare Secukupnya of gula garam kaldu jamur.
- Prepare Sedikit of air.
- You need Secukupnya of oregano utk taburan.
Meanwhile, melt the butter in a medium saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and cook over low heat until softened. For chicken thighs, you can just cut the thick parts and kind of fan it out.***Alternatively, you can pound the chicken to even out the thickness and make it more tender. Add all sauce ingredients: chopped garlic, grated ginger, soy sauce, gochujang, rice wine (mirin), sugar, sesame oil, Korean red chili pepper and black pepper.
Spicy BBQ Chicken with Cheesy Sauce (oven) instruksi
- Marinasi ayam dengan bahan marinasi sampai min 1 jam dalam kulkas (saya semalaman).
- Keluarkan ayam dan siapkan bahan untuk menepungi ayam. Gulingkan ayam pada susu cair lalu pada tepung. Tepuk-tepuk ayam agar tepung terbalur rata dan tidak menumpuk pada ayam. Jangan terlalu tebal ya tepungnya. Kemudian tata ayam pada panggangan secara berurutan..
- Panggang ayam dengan suhu 210' selama 10 menit. Kemudian turunkan suhu 180' selama 40 menit. Ayam akan matang hingga dalam dan crunchy pada kulitnya..
- Sembari menunggu ayam, siapkan saos bbq. Tumis dengan sedikit margarin semua bahan saos (kecuali oregano). Jangan lupa koreksi rasa..
- Balur ayam dengan saos bbq, kemudian tata lagi pada panggangan yang telah dilapisi aluminium foil. Taburi oregano diatasnya. Panggang selama 10-15 menit dengan suhu 150'..
- Saos bbq akan merasuk sempurna pada ayam..
- Sajikan dengan saos keju 🧡.
In a small saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. No need to get out the grill when you can make these sweet and spicy bbq chicken drumsticks in the oven! Now, I love grilled chicken as much as anybody, but there are sometimes when you don't feel like messing with the grill. Remove from oven and drain any excess fat/juices. This Spicy BBQ Chicken Pasta is easy to make, great for feeding a crowd or a hungry family, and incredibly delicious and comforting!