Oat Chicken Popcorn. How to make/prepare chicken pakora with oats. Satisfy your KFC popcorn chicken cravings sitting at home with these KFC Style Spicy Popcorn I think I've got you covered as far as irresistible fast food goes with this KFC Style Spicy Popcorn. Popcorn chicken recipe - Learn to make crunchy kfc style popcorn chicken at home with this Popcorn chicken is much popular in every part of the world and makes its presence on the menus of.
Popcorn chicken is nothing more than bite-sized pieces of breaded white meat chicken made extra tender with a secret, simple step, and baked to crispy perfection.
Don't forget the spicy sriracha mayo!
Popcorn chicken is a fun and tasty "pop-able" savory snack for folks of all ages!
Kamu bisa memasak Oat Chicken Popcorn using 9 bahan dan 6 Langkah. Inilah caranya Anda mencapai Itu.
Bahan dari Oat Chicken Popcorn
- It's 1 pasang of dada ayam tanpa tulang (potong2 dadu kecil).
- It's 2 sdm of kecap asin.
- You need 2 sdm of madu.
- It's 2 sdt of bubuk bawang putih/ bisa diganti 2 siung baput.
- You need 1 butir of telur kocok.
- You need 1 sdm of maizena.
- You need 2 sdm of terigu.
- Prepare 5 sdm of oat (sy pake quaker oat).
- You need secukupnya of garam merica.
My recipe is packed with lots of garlicky flavor, crispy coating, and it comes with a creamy and delicious dipping sauce! The Best Popcorn Chicken Sauce Recipes on Yummly Make the Popcorn Chicken: In a medium bowl, toss the chicken with the buttermilk. In a large, shallow dish, whisk the flour with the baking powder, salt, pepper, garlic powder and cayenne to.
Oat Chicken Popcorn selangkah demi selangkah
- Marinade ayam dengan kecap asin, madu, garlic powder (bubuk kayu putih) garam dan merica lalu masukan kulkas 15 menit..
- Siapkan ditempat terpisah kocokan telur yg sudah di seasoning dgn garam dan merica.
- Setelah 15 menit di kulkas (langsung juga boleh tanpa masuk kulkas dulu) masukan tepung maizena dan terigu di potongan ayam lalu aduk rata.
- Selanjutnya masukan kocokan telur dan terakhir oat.
- Goreng di api sedang sampai coklat keemasan, kalau goreng nya 2 kali, disaring dulu ya minyaknya biar bersih..
- Setelah itu angkat tiriskan dan siap disajikan.... selamat makan... happy cooking 😘😘😘.
Popcorn chicken is a tasty, crispy way to enjoy juicy, white meat chicken. Cut into bite size pieces that you can easily pop in your mouth, they're ideal for dipping in your favorite sauce or condiment, such. Hard to resist ever popular popcorn chicken, infused by Umami packed Karaage chicken flavour. What to season popcorn chicken with? What are the KFC secret herbs and spices?