Oat Chicken Popcorn. Best Crispy Chicken Fingers/Tenders/Strips/ fillets Recipe for Kids Tiffin Box There was barely any salt/ pepper taste. So I customized the recipe, added more Salt, Black & Cayanne Pepper, Red Chilli Powder, some more Garlic Powder in the flour and added some more Lemon Juice in the egg.
Watch how to cook oats chicken porridge for weight loss diet.
Try this spicy masala chicken oats/oatmeal recipe with chicken and vegetables. #OatsChicken #ChickenOats #ChickenOatmeal #.
The crisp coating on these baked popcorn chicken pieces is delicious, and the chicken stays nice and tender and juicy on the inside.
Kamu bisa memasak Oat Chicken Popcorn using 9 bahan dan 6 Langkah. Inilah caranya Anda mencapai Itu.
Bahan dari Oat Chicken Popcorn
- Prepare 1 pasang of dada ayam tanpa tulang (potong2 dadu kecil).
- You need 2 sdm of kecap asin.
- You need 2 sdm of madu.
- You need 2 sdt of bubuk bawang putih/ bisa diganti 2 siung baput.
- It's 1 butir of telur kocok.
- Prepare 1 sdm of maizena.
- You need 2 sdm of terigu.
- It's 5 sdm of oat (sy pake quaker oat).
- You need secukupnya of garam merica.
Pair them with your favorite dipping sauce and just see how fast they get devoured! we prefer BBQ, Ranch and my favorite homemade chick-fil-a sauce for dunking. Crispy Fried Chicken Popcorn For Kids Cook popcorn according to package instructions. Pour into a large bowl and spray with cooking spray.
Oat Chicken Popcorn instruksi
- Marinade ayam dengan kecap asin, madu, garlic powder (bubuk kayu putih) garam dan merica lalu masukan kulkas 15 menit..
- Siapkan ditempat terpisah kocokan telur yg sudah di seasoning dgn garam dan merica.
- Setelah 15 menit di kulkas (langsung juga boleh tanpa masuk kulkas dulu) masukan tepung maizena dan terigu di potongan ayam lalu aduk rata.
- Selanjutnya masukan kocokan telur dan terakhir oat.
- Goreng di api sedang sampai coklat keemasan, kalau goreng nya 2 kali, disaring dulu ya minyaknya biar bersih..
- Setelah itu angkat tiriskan dan siap disajikan.... selamat makan... happy cooking 😘😘😘.
Toss with peanut butter powder to coat. Turn halfway through cooking time Instructions. Marinade the chicken with lemon juice, salt, pepper and ginger garlic paste. In the meantime mix together all purpose flour, corn flour, salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, turmeric powder and red chili powder in a plate or tray. Oatmeal for chickens is one of my favorite treats to serve my flock in the winter.